All That Glitters is Prose

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December Newsletter

December Newsletter | NaNo Winner

Another NaNo. Another Book.

I wasn’t sure I would win NaNo this year.

Things were a little thin there at the end.

I had managed to average 2,000 words a day, which was great because when Thanksgiving week hit, that number plummeted to around half.

Then three days before the end of November, I hit my goal of 50k!

But I still needed to finish the book. So, what’s next?

One day shy of the big NaNo finale, I wrote my final chapter, bringing the total up to 52,810 words.

I am happy with the result. Sure, the edits will be monstrous, but at least I have something to edit.

So what’s next? What comes after NaNo?

The Girl with the Uninvited Ghost cover | December Newsletter

December and January will be dedicated to polishing The Girl with the Uninvited Ghost for professional editing. Once the book is in fighting order, with a shiny new cover, I plan to self-publish.

Once book one is complete, The Girl and the Clock Tower Muder will get the same treatment as book one. 
I hope to have the first two books out by summer and the third by fall.

In the meantime, the entire second draft is live on my Patreon and will begin going live this month on Wattpad.

If you’d like to receive early releases and exclusive pieces, head to Patreon and join the Book Club.

Authors to Watch

Several years ago, I was approached by the author Janet Roger to review her book, Shamus Dust. Luckily, Shamus Dust is a brilliant noir detective novel. Janet seemed nice, and I didn’t want to give her anything other than a glowing review. 

Shamus Dust takes place in London shortly after the end of WWII. The landscape is filled with burnout buildings and broken people, all trying to catch their footing.

Recently, Janet and I reconnected on Twitter and quickly exchanged a more reliable way to keep in contact as the Twitter fires burn. I was happy to learn that Janet is working on a follow-up to Shamus Dust, which I can’t wait to read.

Another similarly named author I connected with was Drew Rogers. Drew, a former sportscaster, has since tried his hand at writing. In 2013 he self-published a memoir about his time playing high school basketball in the 1960s on one of Southern California’s only integrated teams. Next year, Drew plans on publishing his first sci-fi novel, Panoptes.

Cynthia Varady

Cynthia Varady is an award-winning short story writer and Pandemonium Cozy Mystery Series author. She resides in Portland, OR with her husband, son, and two kitties. Cynthia has a BA in English Literature and a Master's in Library and Information Science. In addition to writing, Cynthia loves baking on the fly, crocheting, playing video games with her family, and reading mysteries.

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