All That Glitters is Prose

Book ReviewsBooks

The Wake: And What Jeremiah Did Next by Colm Herron | Review

A friendship is born

I met Colm Herron through an online acquaintance who was helping him market himself as an indie author. Dueling Librarina’s hosted Colm to write a piece on why he decided to publish independently to help market his newest novel, The Wake and What Jeremiah Did Next. Ever since, Colm has entertained me with his novels, his wit, and his newsletters. There’s something ethereal about how Colm knits a yarn.

An (a)Wake(ning)

Change doesn’t always come easy, and Jeremiah will soon discover that mental shackles are almost more powerful that physical ones.

Not all coming of age stories are about kids. Sometimes they happen in our 20s

I loved Jeremiah’s clumsy journey of self-discovery and his attempts to hold onto what means the most to him. The historical period in which The Wake takes place is filled with social upheavals, prejudices, religious dogma, and sexual enlightenment. Jeremiah takes part in this important movement in Irish civil rights for one of life’s greatest motivators: sex. All right, it’s more than just sex, but it’s a big part of it. What 20-something wouldn’t make the same choice? I think we can all agree Jeremiah’s motivations are genuine and realistic.

Jeremiah’s gonna’ be all right

Not a stereotypical hero, Jeremiah is just a young man trying to make sense of the world around him and his place in it. His stumbling journey is something most readers can relate to. Jeremiah had to make a difficult choice between blindly following his upbringing and bucking against the hypocrisy of that upbringing. By the time we leave Jeremiah, he’s doing a good job shedding some of his Catholic guilt, but he still has a long way to go. I imagine it’s something that he will struggle with for the rest of his life, but I’m hopeful Aisling will help wash most of it out of his system. Perhaps one day, Jeremiah will fully Wake into his new life.

Where to find Colm Herron

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Amazon Author Bio

The Wake: And What Jeremiah Did Next
The Fabricator
a maiden so bewitching

Cynthia Varady

Cynthia Varady is an award-winning short story writer and Pandemonium Cozy Mystery Series author. She resides in Portland, OR with her husband, son, and two kitties. Cynthia has a BA in English Literature and a Master's in Library and Information Science. In addition to writing, Cynthia loves baking on the fly, crocheting, playing video games with her family, and reading mysteries.

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